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As I lay there in the darkness, staring at Seonghwa's bare back and the tattoo cutting across the planes of smooth skin and muscle, I once again found myself tracing the shape of it with my finger, dragging it lightly across the inked artwork as I memorized its shape.

It was beautiful. That was the only word to describe it. It was beautiful and devastatingly special, and it was a perfect match to the one on my own back. The one he didn't know about.

I sighed, wrapping my arms around him and pressing my face to his back as I hugged him from behind, a guilty smile tugging at the corners of my lips as he mumbled something in his sleep and put his hand on top of mine.

I had been awake for a while and by the time he awoke as well, I wouldn't be here.

I glanced at the clock on the wall, barely able to make out its hands in the darkness, and yet knowing that Mingi would be here any moment now.

I felt bad about the deal I had made with the treasurer as I lay there, felt bad about my plan to crash the gala, but I had to be there. I had made that decision a long time ago. I had to look Chan in the eyes, to show him that I wasn't someone to be used, someone to be exploited.

I wanted to make Nocturne pay for their crimes and the people they had made suffer, the news spreading across the country like a wildfire as more and more disappearances haunted the people I walked among whenever I went to school, whenever I went into the city.

I would make it up to Seonghwa. One way or another, I told myself, feeling my heartbeat pick up as the sound of the door creaking open finally cut through the darkness, a dim cone of light washing into the room as Mingi poked his head through the slim opening and gestured for me to follow him.

"It's time," he whispered, the words being enough to make the increasing speed of my thundering heart drop to almost nothing as it sank and I carefully pulled untangled my hand from Seonghwa's.

"And you promise to tell me whatever I want to know after this?" I mumbled, tiptoeing after him as he led the way down the hallway, running a hand through his dirty blond hair as he nodded and went into his own room.

"A deal is a deal, and so is a promise," Mingi assured me, handing me a bag before pushing open the door to his bathroom. I frowned, leaning forward to follow his eyes but finding the room empty, "What-"

"Jesus, Nari, I know that you're pretty, but you're not this stupid," he sighed before chuckling slightly at me, earning a glare in return as he shook his head, "Go put it on," he said, leaving me alone as he headed for his closet.

I had been flattered, but only for a moment, by the thought of Mingi actually going out of his way to buy me clothes.

But the moment was short-lived as I pulled the dress out of the bag and stared at it with wide eyes, a scoff of pure disbelief escaping my lips as I glanced at the enormous mirror taking up the wall opposite me, holding up the small piece of fabric next to me.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm going to choke him in his sleep," I growled, hesitating for a moment as I debated whether or not this could possibly be worth it before, at last, giving in and pulling my shirt over my head.

"This is literally the definition of little black dress," I mumbled, holding my breath as I slipped it over my head, "Why would I need to breathe anyway? It's a waste of time," I muttered, my voice low and dripping with sarcasm as I struggled with the heels.

"How thoughtful of him to make sure that I didn't have to think about that," I chuckled, the sound devoid of humor. "I hate men," I stated as I stared at myself in the mirror, once again rolling my eyes at the sight of myself, "It annoys me when they breathe. Really."

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