Agony of a Witch and a Doctor

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John/Doctor: Looks outside and see Hooty destroying those emperor's coven followers outside of the house, while drinking some hot chocolate. Wow, Hooty is not going easy on them.

(Rest goes the same.)

John/Doctor: Grabs a pair of glasses and look at the her gem. interesting. It looks like a crack inside your powers if putting out more strength in your curse, making your curse more stronger to take over. Yet at the same time, giving your powers an extra boost of things. Puts away glasses. Once I make a new Sonic Screwdriver, I take some test to see if there's a way to slow the process back down of the curse. For now, stay at the house and don't use to much of your magic till I get it.

Eda: Thanks John. Really greatful at his kindness.

A little later

Both Luz and John exit the house, and head to the school. Until they saw Hooty and his "play mates".

John: That bird tube scares me... The two head to the school for the feildtrip.

(Rest goes the same)

Luz: Notice something was off with John. He's looking "lost". What's wrong Doctor?

John/Doctor: Oh, its nothing. Just remember what we've been through since we arrived here. We've done so much, saved Eda a few times, animated a house to life, you and Amity went into my memories, Grom, so much we did... Yet, I still don't know who I really am. Pulls out the watch and looks at it. This thing keeps bothering me, even though its broken.

Luz: Looks at the watch and got nervous. Remember what it was and what the 10th doctor said to Martha what it is.

10th Doctor (Memory): This watch is me. It makes me become human and will store my memories.

Luz: D-Doctor, can I have a look at it?

John/Doctor: Sure, but it's merely just an old relic I have.

Luz:... When did you get this thing?

John/Doctor: I don't fully remember, I was given it by powerful people, and I remembered at that point that a woman once told me... "Fear makes companions of us all."

Luz: Looks at it in a concern look. Have you ever thought of opening it?

John/Doctor: Why would I? Its broken?

Luz: How would you know its broken if you never open it?

John/Doctor: Try to opening it, but it won't budge. It's stuck. It's old. In other terms, "it's not ment to be." Even though I want know why it's bothering me.

Luz: Grabs the watch and sees the Timlord Drawings on it and made a small glow, froze a bit until gaining her sense back.

John/Doctor: Something wrong?

Luz: No, its alright. Just wondering. Walks back up to Willow, while looking back at him in concern as he keeps looking at the watch.

(Rest goes the same.)

John/Doctor: Notice Luz trying to break the vent. What are you doing? Sneaks away from the group.

John/Doctor: He follows Luz So she won't get into trouble. Luz, this is not a good idea. We're gonna get into some serious trouble.

Luz: Gets startled, until she realized it was John. It's fine Doctor, we'll be in and out, simple as that. They try to hide as best as they can, so they don't get spoted.

(Rest goes the same)

Luz: After meeting Willow and Gus, they all agree to get the relic, she then looks at John. Doctor, what about you?

John/Doctor: Was about to object, until seeing the concern on her face. Ugh... Fine, but its in and out. This place gives me the creeps and I want to be done as fast as possible.

Luz: Right, lets go team. The 4 of them snuk in and enter the relic chamber.

John/Doctor: Sees lilith. Oh... Crap baskets...

John/Doctor: Luz, Run! Try to use venusian aikido on her, but nothing worked. She blown him back, while hurting his arm.

John, Willow, and Gus flew back to the house to get Eda. They help in get back inside, while Eda went looking for Luz, and Willow and Gus went back home.

Back at the house, John is walking back and foward, trying to think on what to do. If only I had my Sonic, I could've saved her... Looks at the watch starts to get angry. Why am I so obsessed with you?!! Sees the Timelord drawings on the watch, and started hearing voices in his head. Things like "Tardis", "Time vortex", and "Regeneration". He Opens up the watch, and yellow aura started to enter him. He started to remember who he really is. All of his past lives, all the good he's done, yet... He remembers why he forgot. How everyone he loved leaves or dies.

(Rest goes the same.)

Luz: Sees John on the ground and tries to help him, but sees that he's in tears of pain. Doctor?!

John/Doctor: Luz... I now know who I am... I now know why I had my memories erased.

The two of them cry as they don't know what to do, like the world is coming to an end.

(To be Continue)

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