Comebacks and Insults
Hilarious Comebacks, Hilarious Insults and Burns! If you want to know awesome comebacks and insults read this book. I promise you wont be disappointed.
Hilarious Comebacks, Hilarious Insults and Burns! If you want to know awesome comebacks and insults read this book. I promise you wont be disappointed.
Has anyone ever said something extremely stupid you needed a comeback to make things better! Here's the place you can find all comebacks! Use them on: -An Idiot -Ex boyfriend -Best friends -Ex Girlfriend -Mr.Steal yo Girl (or man, cause equality bro) -MRS.Steal yo MAN (or girl, again, equality bro) - Some guy who s...
HAHA. I'M LAUGHING SO HARD FROM READING THIS. HAHAHAHHAHAHZHZHHAHhahzhahahahah ehehehe. Don't forget to vote. Bye!!!
❝A book for comebacks.❞ WARNING// If easily offended please do not read this book as you might be upset by some of the content.