Budurwansa dayake mutuwarso itace amaryan Mahaifinsa..... BETRAYAL IS AN INHERENT PART OF LOVE........
Budurwansa dayake mutuwarso itace amaryan Mahaifinsa..... BETRAYAL IS AN INHERENT PART OF LOVE........
Labarin Abduol Lawal Shakka Babu,Dan shahararan me kudine a garin kano ta dabo.💜💓💕💕💗💞💟💟 Ahalinsa sun kasance kullum cikin ciwo me tsanani saboda kaddaran tasu kenan. Labarin dauke yake da so,romance, sadness and emotional moment. Karku bari a Baku labari. Taku har kullum #Ummy Love #
Labarin sarqaqiyar rayuwa...💫💕Na NAFI ANKA DA MISS XOXO (2016)
Labarin sanyayyar tacacciyar soyayyar ruhi biyu.. Wanda akai wa auren dole da juna, Amman basu san da hakan ba. Shin ya zaman nasu zai kaya idan suka gano? NAUFAL da AYOUSH. Growing in Love is a beautiful love story. A heartfelt and emotional adventure of two young lovers AYUSH AND NAUfAL willing to take a chance. The...
Born into a family of seven, being the last born had little to no advantages. With parents that do nothing but love her unconditionally and elder brothers to joke around with,life just seems to be perfect for me. Having six over protective brothers didn't seem to help my situation, I was living a very simple life but...
#20 Spritual (29/12/2020) #2 Fulani (28/12/2020) #1 Hausa (11/12/2021) A girl that haphazardly steps into a mans life and tries to steer him out of his bad ways... In a small village in Adamawa, lived Noor. A beautiful 16 year old fulani girl, timid but outspoken, shy but brave, mellow but dynamic. Her father died whe...
Zowie is a beautiful teenager girl whose heart desire and influence made her fall on the wrong path. Her secondary school lover made her to dance to his tones,but her brother was always there to guide and protect her. Read and see how one silly mistake she made changed her life for ever. Read and see her transformatio...
"Wayyo Allahna! " ta dafe kirji tace "wai mujadallah kirjina zai fashe." d harara ta wurgeta dashi tace" ke dai banza ce wallahi akan son da namiji zaki kashe kanki. " hmm kawai tace "ni kaina ban son irin son da nakewa jaan ba." Tabe baki mujadallah Tayi tace "ba a dai zurfi akan son da namiji yanzu sai ya tarwatsa m...
Manal Ibrahim is a 14 year old girl 👩 who follows her dreams. She is the last of 4 children, she finds new friends and starts a new life let's read the story and see how her life as a teenager would be 💃💃💃
Meet Ataa - a 16 years old muslim girl. Growing up wasn't easy for her, she's struggling to make her life comfortable for her mother and her little brother. Doctor Asim helps her, and secretly sold her mother's kidney to Mr billionaire wife. Mr billionaire Aliyu was arrogant, strong as an lion CEO of Sky Global Resou...
Kano ta dabo tumbin giwa ko dame kaxo anfika. Wata anguwa ce mai kyau na hango tare da tsari,dan kaf gidajen gurin sun hadu ba karya,can na hango wani gida kerarre wanda yafi ko wanne tsari da kyau acikin anguwan mai suna KURNA.
Qaddarar su rikitaccen al'amari ne Mai wahalar Fahimta, kamar yanda rayuka biyu suka kasance cikin inuwar muradin da ya gaza yin dedaito da hankali. Walagigin da rayuwa tayi dasu, shine ya zama silar juya rayuwar su zuwa wani bigiran daban. juyawar da tai sanadin baiyanar wani gagarumin al'amari a tsakaninsu, Wanda ya...
***Wannan labarin somin tabi ne. Za a iya samun cikakken labarin akan manhajar Okada cikin watan Janairu, 2021. In sha Allah*** *** #1 aure 9th 01 2021 Tarihi yana kunshe da fuskoki da dama. Banda na wucewar abunda ya shude harda kasantuwar abunda ya shude a rayuwarmu ta yanzu. Sannan a duk lokacin da aka Maimaita t...
In a world devastated by loss and hardship, a young couple fights against the odds to find hope and reclaim their life. Haunted by the painful memories of loved ones lost, they face the challenges of a constant threat of danger. But with unwavering determination, they confront all odds. Through resilience and love...
Abdulhameed: She's my dream girl. Fatima: He's always been my crush, every girl has a crush on him. Abdulhameed: I love her. Fatima: I love him. Abdulhameed: I'm doing it for my father. Fatima: I'm literally forced. Abdulhameed: But she still loves her ex. Fatima: But he still loves his ex wife. Abdulhameed: And its...
Wannan labari me suna YA JI TA MATA shine littafina na uku.... Labarin wani saurayi ne Wanda bashida aiki sai zina, a cewar sa ba laifinsa bane Allah ne yayi sa hariji. Toh hakan ne yasa iyayen sa suka rufe ido sai yayi aure amma fa an gudu ba'a tsira ba domin kuwa babu wacce take iya zaman sati biyu dashi tsanani kwa...
Ducking away, she ran out of Hajia's living room with a loving smile on her lips. She banged her head on a broad chest that gave her a souvenir of a scent, just as juicy as her husband's. She knew he was the one, her Twin kept to his words. Not looking up to his face, she wrapped her hands around his waist and nuzzle...