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  • Addicted
    87.5K 1.6K 28

    Percy Jackson is a normal human being with normal human feelings. He doesn't understand why all of a sudden his best friend seems so amazing all of a sudden. He doesn't understand why that all he can seem to think about is her. He doesn't understand why he can't imagine a life without her in it. Maybe it was just pube...

  • For the First Time- A Percabeth Story
    521K 13.4K 44

    Annabeth Chase has never fallen in love, at least not until now. She's from California and he's from New York. Two totally different worlds collide when Annabeth Chase is plucked from her old, perfect life and into an orphanage as fast as you can say 'riptide'. Annabeth's parent's died in a tragic fire that almost too...

  • Set A Torch To Flame | ✔ | #1
    133K 2.6K 21

    #13 in kotlc She only smiled up at him wading out deeper into the water. "I'm gonna go deeper than you," she teased. "In the water, or in our relationship?" He flirted back, taking after her. Sophie didn't think before she spoke. "Maybe both," she blurted, feeling her cheeks grow hot. Covering up her embarrassment alt...

  • The Dark [2]
    24.2K 483 19

    Sophie Foster is gone. Not gone gone, but she's left. Forced out of her home by the very people who took an oath to protect her. The king has pushed her out. She's been abandoned. Abandoned by her rulers. Abandoned by her creators. She only hopes her friends haven't abandoned her too. Fitz Vacker's world is crumbling...

  • Reign of the Neverseen
    32.7K 561 20

    Book one: The Destiny of the Vengeful Book two: The Lost Moonlark Book Three: The Hope of Demise

  • Sophitz
    189K 1.3K 17

    Only one word...SOPHITZ...okay maybe more words but anyways this is my first fanfic as well as my first story on wattpad and if you read this than GREAT AND THANK YOU. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR READING!!! I have a few...okay a lot of spelling mistakes in this and I don't feel like fixing them. non of the characters be...

  • Island Love {Keeper of the Lost Cities}
    112K 1.2K 15

    The kotlc crew is stuck on an island for their own safety. With nothing to do the boys get into a fight over Sophie. Though she has ignored it for as long as she could, it's time for Sophie to choose. Who does she love? This is a kotlc fanfiction!!! *Lodestar Spoilers!!!* It will include some Sofitz, Sodex, and Sokee...

  • Kotlc truth or dare
    52.4K 366 23

    This is a kotlc fan fiction. The keeper crew (including Marella)collected their matchmaking scrolls and then starts playing truth or dare!!! Disclaimer: all characters in this book are owned by the awesome Shannon Messenger.

  • The Lost Moonlark (KOTLC fanfic) (SOPHITZ)
    80.7K 1.1K 27

    Sophie Elizabeth Foster was lost. With no way to get home, no way to find her way back to The Lost Cities. No way to tell her cognate Fitz, and no one to trust besides herself. She finds herself facing two powerful brothers that have become her enemies. Still weak from being poisoned and not having enough time to reco...

  • KOTLC Fitzphie becomes REAL!
    14.8K 80 8

    Is Fitzphie going to happen. Sophie and Fitz's story of all the trouble they're facing on their way to marriage.

  • The Moonlark (Robin Hood)
    100K 1.3K 26

    Fitz is a Prince. Literally. Being the son of legendary King Alden is tough work. What with helping Sheriff Fintan track the Neverseen AND the notorious bandit that calls himself The Moonlark, and dealing with his little sister, its hard work for a seventeen year old. Then you know, just add on the fact that his paren...

  • The Best Match (unfinished sorry :/)
    57.6K 988 22

    disclaimer: i wrote this story in fifth grade and the only reason i haven't deleted it is because people seemed to enjoy it a lot. this isn't a reflection of my current writing and if you're new to my page PLEASE don't start with this or The Sleepover, because it's honestly not my best work. thanks for reading! :) So...

  • When They Find Out
    50.8K 960 17

    Takes place at the beginning of Neverseen when Sophie and Fitz are walking towards the gelato stand, but here, a girl stops them and tells them about the Keeper of the Lost Cities book series! Chaos and humor ensues, along with quite a bit of Sophitz. Also, I refuse to accept the ending of Neverseen. Disclaimer: I do...

  • Making the Match
    400K 3.6K 31

    Sophie Foster is now a Level 6 prodigy at Foxfire. The Neverseen has been put down and the war has been won. All was calm for the last two years and things have only been getting better. But one day, a scroll arrives that changes everything. A Matchmaking scroll. Sophie knows who is her number one, but she refuses to...

  • Sophitz - The Choice
    27.3K 148 10

    This story isn't real, but please try to make it that way. This is Sophie Foster and her friends after they graduated Foxfire, after all the commotion with the Neverseen and the Black Swan ended. They just went through the Matchmaking, and she and her friends are meeting up and discussing who they got. But, what S...

  • Matchmaking lists Keeper of the lost cities!!
    7.3K 56 5

    Everyone has gotten their matchmaking lists! Who will Sophie get? Dex? Keefe? Fitz?..... Jensi? * does Keefe's trademark smirk.

  • Sophitz
    78.2K 481 14

    Though the Neverseen is defeated, there are still teenage challenges to face. Sophie's life becomes more dramatic with graduating, and .... Fitz. What will she do with Fitz?"

  • Soulmates of the Lost Cities
    42.6K 462 20

    Sophie and her friends have defeated Vespera and the Neverseen. The Lost Cities are now peaceful; Sophie has graduated from Level 8 and is now facing a turning point in her life. But something is different. Every couple centuries, old magic gets disturbed. That old magic creates one thing... can you guess what that is...

    601 24 1

    ❝they were the very definition of soulmates❞ in which sophie foster and fitz vacker love each other, but sometimes love gets torn. ( sophitz one shot ) ( ©2019 booklover0823 on wattpad. all rights reserved. )

  • Sophitz in-itz School-itz and-itz more-itz
    643 6 4

    The title itz a work in progress ( Sea what I did there? ) ( No? O...ok) ( ALL CHARACTERS BELONG TO THE GREAT ONE AND ONLY SHANNON MESSENGER!!!!! )

  • THIS ❯ SOPHITZ || ✓
    559 19 1

    ❝they were perfectly normal elves and once again, sophie came to the realization that she didn't fit❞ sophie's always known she's different, but this time it really hurts. fitz doesn't really know how to help, but he's going to try. ( sophitz one shot ) ( flashback spoilers ) ( ©2019 booklover0823 on wattpad. all righ...

    696 24 1

    ❝we should just kiss like real people do❞ in which sophie foster's feels she's never experienced anything real and it takes a cute stranger to show her just how real the world is and what she could get from it. a sappy hozier inspired oneshot because i can. ( sophitz one shot ) ( ©2020 booklover0823 on wattpad. al...

  • Sleepover, Fulfilling or Disastrous? -Sophitz Fanfiction
    17.4K 105 7

    Biana demands a sleepover, Linh, Tam, Sophie, Dex, Keefe, and obviously Fitz and Biana. Games are played, ones with emotion, thrills, and dares, waiting for the group to unravel. Emotions are dreaded, fears are lifted while some remain. These games provides the group with thrills, excitement, but somethings they dread...

    28.1K 251 9

    Only Sophie X Fitz Keefe X Biana and Marella X Dex please. It was a sleepover at Everglen. And Sophie and her friends was bored and decided to play truth or dare!!

  • A Royal Ball a Sophitz story
    31.1K 205 22

    Shout out to apercabethsquad who without this book would have been lost in the Duat Okay, Pleaz stop reading this. It was my first real fanfic and I'm not really proud of it. On the other hand, THANK YOU FOR THE 20.8k reads and making this the #2 in sophitz out of 1.03k stories

  • KOTLC We Can Do This Together (A Fitzphie story)
    34.7K 403 18

    Sophie just finds out that she is unmatchable. She doesn't know what to do and how to tell the person she wants to be with the most. Will she ever get to be with him? This takes place after Flashback in the Keeper of the Lost Cities series Note: this is a fanfiction for legacy from Keeper Of The Lost Cities by Shannon...

  • Because of a Scroll | KotLC Fanfic
    197K 1.9K 26

    When the Neverseen has finally been defeated, Sophie and her friends get their Matchmaking Scrolls. Matches are made, relationships are created, and hearts are broken. But it's just another adventure in the Keeper Crew's lives.

  • Just a Crush~Sophitz
    5.5K 47 5

    Peace. Finally- after years of fighting. Everything is perfect. Well, except for one thing. The Silver Towers. And Sophie's crush. It's just a crush. Right?

  • His Teal Eyes
    11.8K 214 16

    ~ A Sophitz Story ~ This is also a collaboration with @hppanda go follow her she is a super talented and an amazing writer! She is a wonderful person and deserves most of the credit!! Also I want to thank @TheMysteriousMissF for our awesome cover! Go check her out! ***Warning***...

  • Unforgettable - KOTLC
    2.5K 57 5

    ~"Unforgettable," a Keeper of the Lost Cities fanfiction (WRITTEN AFTER FLASHBACK, SO IF YOU HAVE NOT READ IT, DO NOT CONTINUE READING THIS!!) This book is a fanfiction based from a series written by a talented author by the name of Shannon Messenger. The characters were created by her, but the plot of this book is or...