School Of Scary BulliesSaranny tarafından
Lisa Jennie Taehyung ve Jungkook okula yeni gelen 4 ögrenc-
Lucy'nin Zorbalığa Uğratma Nedenle...Foxy The FireFox Gacha 🔥 tarafından
Bu hikayede Lucy neden bu kadar üzgün olduğunu anlatıyor:(
Yeni hikayeler için takipte kalın;)
Corazón PararseEnes İmer tarafından
Ortaokuldan bu zamana kadar zorbalığa uğrayan Onur rüyasında yaşadığı şeylerin gerçekleştiğini öğrenir ve bunun şans olduğunu sanar ama aslında çok büyük bir lanettir.
Dating Jacob Sartorius Tessa Rae tarafından
A new girl in town just moved she lives next to a famous musical.y person Jacob sartorius what will happen next...
I've Been Bulliedalyss tarafından
Mikayla is being bullied by 9 guys. Carter Reynolds,Nash Grier, Cameron Dallas, Taylor Caniff, Aaron Carpenter, Matthew Espinosa, Jack Gilinsky, and Jack Johnson. With h...
The Outcasts❤️ tarafından
Jo Callum is my name. I'm one of "The Outcasts." I used to always wish I wasn't, until the day. The day everything changed. I feel bad, now, for those who were...
Mean tarafından
Maya gets bullied at school a lot by the three popular girls. When all of them come after her would she stand up for her self or will things get worst? Read to find out .
Forever Alone?Kayapop9 tarafından
When Haley is going through some tough times Jeramy comes out of now where and helps her through it. As they soon become friends they both wonder if their meant to be m...
The Rock Star and Me••Emmy•• tarafından
Meet Karlee Willis. She is what you would call a good girl. She is a very responsible person and most of all HATES being the center of attention! That is until she meets...
Life is HardPrincessbre2014 tarafından
Life's not easy I get that really. I work my whole life trying to fit in, working double shifts at McDonalds, and Mississippi's finest cafe Mikey's. But on top of that b...