His Most Prized Possession (Akira...by KULEMI
This was the first time someone other than Kiryu had come with him to help him wash his car and he was thrilled that someone was you.
Happy Birthday, Boss! | Koji Shind...by KULEMI
After years of poking and prodding, Shindo finally figured out the date of his boss' birthday and has made it his mission to remind him that it's something worth celebra...
The Knife In My Back (Majima Goro...by Sttewart!.....Roald
Y/N Kazuma, the younger sister of Kiryu Kazuma. What would happen if she met his half friend half enemy?
[Yakuza] Reinicioby KurisuSparda
"Si podemos avanzar juntos otra vez,
Tomaré las cicatrices de mi corazón, las lágrimas que caen por mis mejillas,
y las volveré una graciosa historia."
yakuza gay fluff stuffby metalballllzz
currently finished yk and y0 and just playin yk2 rn!!!! so it'll be mostly majimaXkiryu or shit like that aha