The Timeless Tale of Kalyug and Sa...by Serene Bragta
In a world divided by Kalyug's chaos and Satyug's purity, two souls connected across time must uncover ancient truths to rewrite destiny. As light and darkness collide...
Kalki: The Last Avatarby Soham Budhakar
"Kalki: The Last Avatar" is a thrilling tale set in a world on the verge of destruction, consumed by greed and corruption. As Kali Purush spreads chaos, a prop...
The Tate Brothers by Curious Minds
Andrew and Tristan Tate, two determined brothers from Washington, DC, set out on a journey to escape the Matrix.Through struggles, hard work, and clever investments, the...
Old Secrets in the Shadows: A Tree...by Vernon JB Pohl
Reached NR1 in MagicalJourney
Step into the enchanting world of the forest in "Old Secrets in the Shadows," a captivating collection of short stories that will...
Title: Whispers of the Inner Lightby Varna Veena
This series follows a young girl, Mira, who discovers she has a unique ability to converse with magical creatures who guide her through life's challenges. Each encounter...
Whispers Beyond the Voidby Kiya P
In a realm beyond our reality, where higher beings live in harmony with nature and seek connection with the cosmic creator, one individual's dreams reach out, bridging d...
阿賴耶空間by SUNNY KAO
AlayaSpace is a majestic saga intertwining the threads of science fiction and history. In the present day, enigmatic artifacts unearthed from ancient ruins whisper the s...
Diary of Heroby kuro
After living for over 10,000 years, Hero still looked as youthful as the day he first set out on his journey. It's wild to think about: after all these lifetimes, all th...
Veil of shadows by I am Lawrence
In the depths of Kala Jhari forest, five friends encounter the malevolent Wendigo. Faced with internal fears and illusions, they navigate a haunted labyrinth guided by t...
"Realm of Dreams: Chronicles of th...by minat Aliyu
"Realm of Dreams: Chronicles of the Enchanted Forest" is an enchanting novel that takes readers on a captivating journey through a mystical realm. It follows t...
Foes To Flamesby Lily
It is a story of a princess and a prince from a rival kingdom and they go from enemies to lovers as their lives take a plot twist
The Incomplete Philosophy of Johnby Qusai Khalaf
"The Incomplete Philosophy of John" is an inspiring story that takes readers on a journey of self-discovery and realization. Follow the young philosopher, John...
The Path of Whispering Windby wilhelm tollaksen
In a world bound by tradition, Elara seeks something beyond the familiar-a path hidden among the whispers of the forest, illuminated by ancient wisdom. "The Path of...
The vanishing starsby K. A. Š.
One day the stars started to vanish... Who noticed? And who cared?
Sickness - by amir bernia by Amir Bernia
a story about a man named Ahmed who gets sick and tries to get recovered to get back to his families what causes a series of consequences
The Cursed Relic: Unearthing the A...by Henry Evans
In a secluded corner of a forgotten forest lay a malevolent relic, a dark box etched with ominous symbols. Generations told tales of the evil spirit within, so wicked th...
Beyond Mortals by Michael Ferrari Andersen
Embrace the cosmic odyssey of 'Beyond Mortals,' where Azarath's insatiable pursuit of forbidden wisdom births demons wielding corrupt symbols, while Alerian, an unwittin...
Indian Mythological Short Storiesby Krushika Shah
Love reading Indian Mythology? Dive into this tales from our ancient scriptures. I'm sure you will enjoy them!