Spider-Girl: the Life of a Teenage...by Cookie A. Writer
Crystal was your average teen - until she got bitten by a radioactive spider. Now she has powers like Spider-Man - but Spider-Man is a fictional character! How can thes...
[DISCONTINUED] Spider-Girl: The Ne...by Cookie A. Writer
Thank you for your interest! I wish I could've made this story possible, but it just didn't work out. I will keep this up, though, for the two chapters I did publish and...
Balancing Actby kenno_cha
A compilation of a story between two OC's.
Hiro and Kazuki
Warning: It is a MalexMale Romance.
Don't like don't read.
Escape was necessary, but can Kazuki and Hiro s...
Identity Questby
In the vibrant city of Reflectionville, Alex, a person with a thriving career and a bustling business, felt overwhelmed by life's demands. Caught in a chaotic schedule...
CEO Enchanted Affair by Prace Mella
Join Alex, the tech genius, in "CEO Enchanted Affair." Life's all corporate chaos until a magical book opens a world of love and wonder. CEO by day, enchanted...
Can you be mine?by G. Even
Get ready to dive into the crazy world of Emily and Oliver, two love-struck souls caught up in the whirlwind of a bustling city. They're on the verge of some major life...