The Dark Apothecary: Crafting An Mugen Light
Ryu Yurijin, a seemingly lowly peasant in the bustling town of Sylavara, harbors a unique and powerful skill: the ability to extract and store the magical properties of...
Azuma Pirate Lordby Mugen Light
Injured and left for dead on a desolate island by his own crew, pirate captain Azuma Kenousa miraculously survives after consuming a mysterious red ice crystal. Awakenin...
Useless Reincarnation: Reborn As Mugen Light
Awakening in a fantastical world, a healer discovers his magic only inflicts healing, even on foes. Captured by monsters, he becomes a tool for sadistic acts. That's whe...
Legacy of Ninjutsu by Mugen Light
A young boy pushes himself to become a 1st class shinobi and protect his village.
Mugen Warrior Sagaby Mugen Light
A mysterious blue light transports a lone warrior named Iriyu into a treacherous snow-filled forest. As he chooses the path of the Ronin, fate beckons him to a destiny i...
The Monster Tamer's Forbidden Mugen Light
The story follows Ken Kaioda, a novice monster tamer, who is looking for his first quest as he visits the Red Dragon Guild. However, he is turned away by the Guild Maste...
Max Leveling Party by Mugen Light
With intense battles, epic leveling-up sequences, and unforgettable characters, "Max Leveling Party" is an immersive and exciting light novel that delivers an...
Reincarnated As The Ultimate Mugen Light
A young man is isekai to a new world with no memory of his former life but strives to become the strongest Warrior In his new world