The unfaithful housemaidby Victory-young Onwubuya
This story was created by me (onwubuya victory young), please enjoy. This is to everyone of us,do not be an unfaithful servant or u face the repacautions of it

E❌ tensionby The Booktrovert
"Abeg extension will soon start and we'll be in school while everyone's at home let's eat now that we still can", Goldie said.
"What do you mean by that...

heavy tongueby blossy cat
I love poetry ❤️ and I love 😘 to help people with stammering problem 😁 so pls enjoy my poet follow, like , vote, 💞 and comment love you thanks

the take of Luna and the golden ro...by blossy cat
Hi guys 🤗
Love 💓 a fairy 😍💟 tale story
It's for you 😉💖

sleepy headby blossy cat
if you're in Wattpad
don't have time to write during the day
feeling sleepy 😴🥱
but you got to write ✍️🤳
the story is for you❤️🌹

The little village of dreams by blossy cat
if you love 💗 magic 💘✨
I think 💬 you should check ✅ things out