Salerian Retribution! (Cometstar's...by Chris Jenkins
In the year 2029 a young and rejuvenated Anora A'Nena Moriah Weddington climbs to new heights in this new Black Guard Galactic Force story arc. After a run in with LaQue...
The Lord of Lightning and the...by Blackmidnight
Mekt Ranzz is or was a Legion of Super Villains and Imperiex as Lightning lord from the the planet Winath but then came to the planet earth he was only supposed to b...
The Shining Reaches: Rainbow Celes...by Chris Jenkins

Celestial Might, Divine Ascension! Cometstar Ascends!
Don't underestimate the beauty of this Salerian mighty hero. When Wicked salerian built upon inflicting misery...
Warriors of the New Dawn: Oceans R...by Amanda
Tideclan battles a huge storm and the ever furious Blazeclan, however, will a massive flood wipe them out completely?
Warriors: Seven Soulsby imthat_nerdagain
A black she-cat is faced with a destiny and a warrior has unleashed darkness upon the clans. Will BreezePaw save the clans or will destruction lean towards her fate.
A s...
Yentynxia and Cometstar! Cosmic Li...by Chris Jenkins
With the Arraya Shines creating more powerful Salerians, Yentynxia and Cometstar go on a journey to Mirror Celestial Shaman Salerians to Manifest their hidden abilities...