The Adventures of Captain Jack Spa...by Maria Gabriella Lazzarini
This is a parody. A parallel story to Pirates of the Caribbean. The story of Jack in his spare time with friends and family. It is an ironic look at his private life, wh...
Pirates Vs. Corsairsby Andrea Romo
Two siblings with a rough childhood are "adopted" by a group of pirates, who raise them as their own. One day, a group of corsairs attacks them, but in an atte...
Sleeping Shaina (A Fairy Tale Reto...by Dorothy A. Bosco
Princess Shaina knows that she is cursed. If she falls in love before she's sixteen, she'll fall into an everlasting sleep that will last until her body decays -- becaus...
A Middle Earth Story: The Corsairs...by Maquetima
Sail the high seas in search of riches beyond the imagination with Captain Oros and his crew of motley and dangerous corsairs from around the whole of Middle Earth.
The Central Seaby Terence Park
Over the centuries the Mediterranean has seen ebbs and flows between Saracens and Christians. The Central Sea examines a corsair raid on Malta through the eyes of three...