Eesti Stories

61 Stories

mu habeme printsess🍎🐛⭐️ by courtneylovezz
mu habeme printsess🍎🐛⭐️by courtneylovezz
Kas sa suudad võita elutarga südame? Või pead leppima vapra mõõgavehkija Kingpooliga
We (Really) Don't Know Anything About What's Inside (Kohver's) Bag by HalehMiDegete
We (Really) Don't Know Anything HalehMiDegete
As a matter of fact, not even Kohver himself knew what was in that bag. It wasn't even his, but he, along with the rest of 5Miinust and Puuluup, would soon find out... W...
MasterChef Eesti Incorrect Quotes Go Brrrr by HalehMiDegete
MasterChef Eesti Incorrect HalehMiDegete
simple math: my love for 5MP + my love for literally anything estonian + my rekindled love for cooking shows = MasterChef Eesti season 3 (and the way to my heart) just a...
Kus On Meie Kasakesed?  by HalehMiDegete
Kus On Meie Kasakesed? by HalehMiDegete
Remember when we were playing in the woods? the woods that we knew were safe and no one was hiding behind trying to take your life? what happened? these woods aren't the...
õlle kõtu by mussikal
õlle kõtuby mussikal
W aura kui seda loete
Elu on elamist väärt by Miakas08
Elu on elamist väärtby Miakas08
Olen 16.aastane tüdruk ja loodan oma looga aidata teisi, kes tunnevad end üksildasena ja arvavad, et sellest pole pääsu. Kuid sa pole ainus ja on inimesed, kes sind arma...
Kirjad ChatGPT-ga: Koit Toome ajateenistus by maiarulestheworld
Kirjad ChatGPT-ga: Koit Toome maiarulestheworld
IN ESTONIAN! 🇪🇪 Lasin ChatGPT-l koostada hunniku veidra sisuga kirjasid, mis on seotud Eestis tuntud nimedega! Mind aitas: Liam Dandilion (@isimpu) Nautige!
Koos Sinuga [ Jää Minuga 2 ] by Halcyona
Koos Sinuga [ Jää Minuga 2 ]by h e l e e n e
✽✽✽ Soovitan eelnevalt lugeda raamatu esimest osa "Jää Minuga". ✽✽✽ Jätkub saaga Geira, Matthiase ja Caspari vahel. Kas tüdruk suudab lõpuks teha valiku või e...
Jää Minuga by Halcyona
Jää Minugaby h e l e e n e
19-aastane Geira Hall elab rahulikku ja ilusat elu... kuniks Geira ema sureb haiguse tagajärjel ning aasta hiljem kohtab tüdruku isa, Hans Hall, uue naisega, kellesse to...
The Adventures of Odralpha & sigmAna  by sigmAnaBanana
The Adventures of Odralpha & Anna
hieeee This story is based on true events and it is definitely certainly 10000% not fiction and not made up shit. or is it? (ARE YOU????)
Magus Kiusatus by Halcyona
Magus Kiusatusby h e l e e n e
Adrian Holm on nägus ja kuulsust koguv rokkstaar, kes suudab võluda iga tüdruku, keda vaid soovib - ainus, keda ta võluda pole suutnud on ta õe parim sõbranna Arabella L...
Countryhumans "headcanons" by HungarianVibes
Countryhumans "headcanons"by RiaRiaHungaria
headcanon (countable and uncountable, plural headcanons) (fandom slang) Elements and interpretations of a fictional universe accepted by an individual or small group of...
Tõus by kubjas
Tõusby kubjas
Talupoeg Finn on tavaline mees. Ta teeb tööd ja hoolitseb oma talu eest. Tema elu on täiesti tavaline. Kõik võiks jäädagi niimoodi kuni vampiirid ei tuleks esimest kord...
 Emo Peppa x todoroki by joemama4321
Emo Peppa x todorokiby My little poosay
Peppa sattus my hero academia ja leidis crushi
she's not in here by Misc_MiKa
she's not in hereby MiKa
Where are you now, I cannot see I said something wrong that made you leave I am calling your name, can't you hear I sense your presence, but you aren't in here
she's in the rain by Misc_MiKa
she's in the rainby MiKa
Don't run away, please stay with me The weather outside is not as it seems I know you are still in a deep pain Is that why you want to stay in the rain?
☆ FLY ☆ a story of a king. by iamKingJeorg
☆ FLY ☆ a story of a iamking.jeorg
Do you know who I am ? ..this is my story, its content shall not only mesmerize you but will teach you. Dont let lifes ways be your home, but what is yet to come be you...
Unustamatud hetked by ykstrash
Unustamatud hetkedby mitte keegi
"mitte keegi ei murra mind enam iialgi." Lugu 17- aastasest neiust Abigail'st, kes läheb viie aasta möödudes oma eelmisesse kooli tagasi. Neiu on tohutult muu...
Emily helesinised silmad by rebekaa100
Emily helesinised silmadby rebekaa100
Noored armastus vihkamine krimka
The Story of my life by Itsinfrontofyou
The Story of my lifeby Itsinfrontofyou
Be here to feel as I feel, to see the world as I. Most of these are old, once I have finished uploading them I will continue to write more. I experienced a dramatic inc...