Amid the endless expanse of the Jinji Continent, where countless kingdoms, empires, and mysterious factions clash in a ceaseless struggle, a legendary seat of power lies...
Ashley, a wild, resilient, unruly, broke, proud woman with average education, Found herself entangled in a sweet romance between her obsession-a rude and emotionless CEO...
she meets a guy new to her class and school. they become friends and his brother goes crazy because she spends time with the younger brother rather than him the older br...
"Hm, I don't know. Did you try opening the door?"Jungkook asks curiously, not getting worried yet. He was sure it was all a misunderstanding.
"No, I didn'...
"i will take it off after u got my soul" said Billie while look down.
"i will find your soul for you" Shawn said while pats Billie.
Billie is a teena...
It all changed in a blink of an eye
Language: Filipino/English
Genre: Fantasy
Date started: March 2017
Date completed:.................
Status: ongoing
Disclaimer: Image...
When a Demon attack brings down an entire school and leaves many injured and dead, 17 year old Ava Donovan can't seem to recall what happened and what lead up to it. She...
Domino Haärk is different. She is enigmatic, sublime and peculiar. No one knows how her mind works, but one thing is for sure, she is just being herself and that is wond...
"I picked up my sword
and slaughtered my way in.
Blood was beginning to shower.
I rushed my pace.
No time to check.
What came to mind,
I wrote."
This is a coll...
Nishabdham (transl. Silence) is a 2020 Indian thriller film directed by Hemant Madhukar and co-produced by Kona Venkat and T. G. Vishwa Prasad. The film stars Madhavan...
Back from the old times, there is an apprentince who was sent to the present time with a mission of finding their lost Princess. But it seems like he was not destined to...
His a wanted criminal, a loving father, a big buyer, but the thing we didn't say was he had a family. Henry goes undercover thinking this would be his last Mission and i...
In a dystopian, cyberpunk future, a man struggles to find a reason to live, as a mysterious woman bids to keep him alive for her all-powerful overlords.