#1Flipped Like A Pancake; Fanning Th...by bobbiejelly1.5K201Andy is moaning way too loud while Maya is giving her a massage. Maya tells her to stop or she'll have to take her hands away. Andy might be doing this on purpose. Set a...Completedgreysmayabishoplesbian+22 more #2find my way home... eventually by AK4.9K1368Abigail's journey to becoming a DeLuca-Bishop.benwarrenfemalefirefighterfire+7 more #3Untitled Storyby Gigglesworth11491firefighterfemalefirefighterandreaherrera+2 more #4Andy and Robert?by Gigglesworth598306Andy Herrera and Robert Sullivanrobertsullivanfemalefirefighterfirefighters+11 more #5Robert and Andy?by Gigglesworth11251Robert Sullivan and Andy Herrerafirefightersstation19mccallister+7 more #6Robert and Andy?by Gigglesworth14791Robert Sullivan and Andy Herrera from Station 19surrerafirefightersstation19+7 more #7Robert and Andy?by Gigglesworth6351Robert Sullivan and Andy Herrera from Station 19romancelovefirefighters+4 more #8Andy and Robert?by Gigglesworth187153Andy Herrera and Robert Sullivanfemalefirefighterfirefighterslove+7 more #9Surrera?by Gigglesworth564294What if Andy didn't confront McCallister with Maya?firefightersfemalefirefighterrobertsullivan+6 more #10Robert and Andy?by Gigglesworth311242Robert Sullivan and Andrea Herrerastation19familyrobertsullivan+7 more #11Station 19by Gigglesworth26582Robert Sullivan and Andy Herreraandyherreraromancefirefighters+6 more #12Andy and Robert?by Gigglesworth6231Andy Herrera and Robert Sullivan from Station 19firefightersandyherrerastation19+8 more #13Station 19by Gigglesworth510134Station 19mayabishopfemalefirefighterfirefighter+2 more