#1Love Onesby mcmacinas2111st entry in 21st century literature -Lyric Poetrylyricpoetry21centuryliteratureg11stem+1 more #2everythingby rozette sitjar8211st entry in 21st century literature -end rhymeend21stcenturyliraturestem+3 more #3Inspirationby cantoria212011ST ENTRY IN 21ST CENTURY LITERATURE -LYRIC POETRYlyricpoeeetryg11galileostem+2 more #4Everlasting Love of My Motherby khenleysioson4011st entry in 21st Century Literature -Lyric Poetrylyricpoetrystemg11galileo+1 more #5Loving in the Moonlightby ruvin20034021st entry in 21st Century Literature -Lyric Poetryg11galileolyricpoetrystem+1 more #6In my Dreamsby eigram081514042nd entry in 21st Century Literature Fiction writing21stcenturyliteratureg11galileostem #7l am aloneby gabriel minatozaki5011st entry in 21st Century Literature -Lyric Poetrylyricpoetry21centuryliteraturestem+1 more #8The White Manby deguzmanMarlie3042nd Entry in 21st Century Literature. Fiction Writing21stcenturyliteratureg11galileostem #9Long Distance Relationship by ecahxxx6011st entry.21st Century Literature.G11-Galileo.STEM21stcenturyliteratureg11galileostem #10THE REVENGE OF A CURSEby glennaian19042nd entry in 21St century literature. Fiction Writing21stcenturyliteratureg11galileostem #11Alas, Pilipinasby bobongboy8314(2nd entry in 21st cent literature) Set in the ruins of the Pre-war Philippine civilization, Year 2077, 57 years after the Great War(World War III). Philippines wasn't t...g11galileostemfictionalnovel+1 more #12HI!by malabanan053011st entry in 21st Century Literature. -Lyric Poetry21stcenturyliteraturelyricpoetrystem+1 more #13Love is Blindby FoolmetalAlchemist14111st entry in 21st Century Literature21stcenturyliteraturestemlyricpoetry+1 more #14Dark japanby gabriel minatozaki11031st entry in 21st Century Literature -Ghosts storystemg11galileo21centuryliterature+1 more #15GAMESby AkosiKenth32032nd Literature21stcenturyg11galileoscifi #16Cell Huntersby FoolmetalAlchemist12032nd entry in 21st century literature21stcenturyliteratureg11galileostem #17Mistakenby Rofeaespinosa3032nd entry in 21st Century Literature.Fiction writing21stcenturyliteratureg11galileostem #18You're Expiredby akosihatdog7011st entry in 21st century literature -lyric poetryCompleted21stcenturyg11galileolyricpoetry #19"Don't Just Stare"by eigram08152011st entry in 21st century literature -lyric poetrystemg11galileo21stcenturyliterature+1 more #20In my sleepby bobongboy10011st Entry in 21st century literature -lyric poemCompletedg11galileolyricpoetrystem