When a lawful and skilled detective collides with a persistent gang leader merely devoted to his world of composed crime - their intelligence combined emits a dangerous...
You are Mikey and Draken's friend from childhood. You have an amazing life and your friendship with them is awesome. How could everything go so wrong because of one misu...
She is Gaelie Anne Davonica Lavilla Villamero, a daughter of the most famous businessman world wide and also a mafia boss . She is a cold/ heartless person. She don't ca...
Na'Riyah Carson struggles to sleep.
Jace Rivers sleeps peacefully.
She has no friends.
Everyone wants to be his, except her.
She wakes up with bruises.
He wakes up...
And there I stood, with my mouth wide open, my hands shaking, and my legs frozen. My boss looks up from his victim that is laying at his feet before wiping his bloody ha...
Just imagine being on your own for basically your whole life. No family, you have your back and your back only. Until one day someone special steps into your life and ch...
Is it hard for a boy to find friends?
Especially in a street that's the middle of two gang warfares.
San Diego.
The home of this young boy.
But will this place form him...