In the heart of Longhucheng, where ancient traditions and hidden secrets intertwine, a legacy of betrayal and mystery haunts the Yuan family. Branded as traitors, the en...
In a world ruled by magic, a skilled thief sets her sights on Cleopatra's most prized possession-an enchanted necklace rumored to hold untold power. But what begins as a...
Unbeknownst to them, teenagers Ren and Amara are the heirs to a legendary power - the Children of the Sun God. Thrust into a world of magic, they must unlock their celes...
Jenna, a young orphan who discovers she has magical powers and sets out on a journey to uncover the truth about her past and the world she lives in. As she navigates the...
Four siblings. A hidden power. One destined for darkness."
When four siblings uncover their ancestry's ancient power, their lives are forever changed. Each gains an...
**"Moonlit Bonds"**
In the secluded village of Lupine Ridge, a trio of young werewolves in their twenties-Liana, Marcus, and Elena-struggle with the absence of...
Eternal Echoes: Beyond the Veil" is a captivating tale of magic, adventure, and self-discovery. With intricate world-building, heart-pounding action, and a dash of...
In a realm where magic intertwines with technology, a young man named Alexander Grayson embarks on a remarkable journey that will shape the fate of his world. "The...
Kaizen, having endured countless regressions, is now on his final chance to uncover the truth of Goditan-a power that has eluded him through lifetimes. But as he draws c...