In a world where ancient magic and fierce loyalty bind wolf clans together, Alpha Alaric of the Shadowclaw Pack fights to protect his family and territory from an emergi...
This series follows a young girl, Mira, who discovers she has a unique ability to converse with magical creatures who guide her through life's challenges. Each encounter...
"Rian, my dear and esteemed human friend. As promised, I'm writing you a letter. Surprisingly, I'm alive and even in good health. But the story of what happened to...
In a world where magic shimmers just beneath the surface of Regency London's glittering ballrooms, Isabella Fairchild is about to discover her true power - and the dange...
The once powerful mage became an abandoned prince after he reincarnated as the third prince of the Atlas Empire🤴
This is the story of the third prince Noah Atlas, who w...
In the heart of Willowbrook's forest, Emily's world is shattered by a terrifying encounter with a werewolf, unleashing ancient curses and hidden magic. Guided by the tow...
Velleity is a normal girl who is happy with her life. She is confident in who she is until she discovers hidden power within her. She must figure out how to control it...
Sorrel and normal servant girl with a secret past, and dark secrets.
A prince of beauty, with dark secrets,
Sorrel gets assigned as the Prince of Raiths personal servant...
Series #1: Down To the Rabbithole
There are two worlds beneath our planet, inhabited by races we don't know about. The only way to get t...
Everything that ever once was,
All started with a secret
You think it never could but it would
You just have to look for the meaning behind the hidden story.
In a fictional universe, Uni, Dawn, Ashlie, Cory, and Nick are adopted by the queen of a newly formed country, and Tommy, a new squire, and Jon, a jester-in-training, ar...
Ann and Dahlia, sisters, are joyously living a peaceful life as teenagers. One day, the peace comes to a harsh end as the sisters discover something that entirely rocks...
In a world where magic is a rare and hidden power, a college student, Joshua Taylor finds himself with this ability. Not only can he use it, but he is a sorcerer, a clas...
Lucy goes on a 3 year mission (with Carla) that master told her to do. When she comes back she makes a big entrance I mean who about Guildarts shirt going off?
Lucy Heartfilia has had an easy life so far. Good grades, lots of friends, and a rich family but everything changes after Natsu Dragneel transfers to her school, Fairy H...