Legend Of The Weeping Woman, Reine...by maribel_murillo
Two years after the disastrous event resulting in the death of his daughter, guilt-driven Reiner trades his fast-paced, luxury life in Chicago for a quiet, rural cottage...
Mario Un Amor Que Trasciendeby Claudia Perez
Relato corto de uno de los personajes secundarios de la Serie Paraíso que sin duda nos sacó una sonrisa y quizá una lagrima.
Mario el papá nuestro Potro y Amargado, nos...
¡Tengo pareja! ¿Y ahora qué?by J. A. Flores
Nadie nos prepara para tener pareja, no hay una escuela pública o privada donde sus materias sean: "como leer el pensamiento de tu novia en 2 sencillos pasos"...
dark plansby saulstorytime
It was a hot night in jalisco. Tossing and tossing around my bed trying to sleep then I heard my grandmother scream, I got scared I got up and ran and i accidentally ra...
The Story of Valentina Fonsecaby SoUnlikely
There are many things you can't protect yourself from, like being attacked to someone you just met. Sometimes I like to say that it wasn't my fault, but it seems it was...