Lloyd Garmadon's Adventures of The...by gregoryschoff
Plot: Meet Lloyd Garmadon, Son of Lord Garmadon and Koko Garmadon. When he accidentally summons a six foot fluffy demon named Meowthra to stop his father for conquering...
The Little Sea Witchby how_dareth
The origin story of Ursula.
She hadn't always been an evil sea witch. She hadn't always been half octopus. She hadn't always been evil. She hadn't always been called Urs...
Our Jetsamby Kensey Gianettino
Jetsam: |'jetsem|NOUN unwanted material or goods that have been thrown overboard from a ship to make the vessel lighter and washed ashore.
Everyone has some sort of bagg...
Flotsam & Jetsamby MissMooncake
Just sparkling bits and pieces that aspire to become part of a masterpiece jigsaw one day
Flotsam & Jetsam's Pastby Anonymous Name
I have read a marvelous story as Flotsam and Jetsam from The Little Mermaid's past so I decided to make my own version.
This is all made up and just for fun.... I have n...
(Y/N) Sivana's Adventures of Disne...by gregoryschoff
Plot: Meet (Y/N) Sivana, the eldest son of The Sivana Family and he has been chosen by seven mystical demons that looked like something from a nightmare and they are cal...
Untitled Eel Ficby World Stealers : A Fan Fictio...
Jetsam has always been Ursula's loyal foot soldier. Surely there's no force under the sea that could dissuade him from his duties. Not even... her...
This is a story wri...