Amitabh Bachchan Inaugurates Kalya...by
In a momentous celebration, Kalyan Jewellers is set to inaugurate its 250th global showroom in Ayodhya, graced by Brand Ambassador Shri. Amitabh Bachchan. Scheduled for...
From The Vacation by Aanchal_Gala
Dedication - A little smut and to let go for once is okay.
Anahita Kumar
He had a combination of both visuals and confidence. I hadn't planned to fall in love with him...
SNAKE EYES.nouby acronolozki
!!PT/BR - ENG!!
How this post is playing out: these are scenes and WIPS of what one day will be my full fledged project. I just want to leave it on a site. Maybe someone...
The Jewellerby Makoyana
What did you say? Looking for a good jeweller's store? There is one you might be interested in. A lonely building surrounded by emerald fields resting under the amethyst...