Namixreader Stories

21 Stories

Treacherous Tide | A Nami x Reader by Ghostie_Gone
Treacherous Tide | A Nami x Readerby Ghostie
When Y/n meets Nami, she grows close to her sneaky and kleptomaniac personality. Strangely enough, she and Nami find themselves sailing the sea with a few others, their...
Don't Eat Flowers by Maymist
Don't Eat Flowersby Maymist
The new farmer girl in Forgotten Valley attempts to give Nami some flowers to, er... totally give the hint that she's romantically interested in the very much reserved t...
Little Star [One Piece Various x Reader] by 2PumpkinSpice2
Little Star [One Piece Various x ā˜†Catkinā˜†
You. The goddess of the moon and stars. You, the wielder of ancient, forgotten celestial magic, had been put to sleep for hundreds of years after your twentieth birthday...
š’œ š’«š’¾š“‡š’¶š“‰ā„Æ š“Œš’¾š“‰š’½ š’Ŗš“ƒā„Æ š’«š“Šš“ƒš’øš’½ by Aiden_Gallagher_Wife
š’œ š’«š’¾š“‡š’¶š“‰ā„Æ š“Œš’¾š“‰š’½ š’Ŗš“ƒā„Æ š’«š“Š Five_Hargreeves
One piece x OPM!reader ".....(y/n)" ā˜… Ā° . *怀怀怀 Ā°ć€€.怀Ā°ā˜† 怀. * ā— Āø 怀怀ā€¢ ā—‹ Ā° ā˜…怀 .怀 * 怀.怀 怀怀怀怀怀 Ā° . *怀怀怀Ā°ć€€.怀 ...
Season of the Witch- One Piece Variousxreader by MalloryC5435
Season of the Witch- One Piece zoro_simp
"how can you not be angry?" "i am angry. but unlike you, i don't have the luxury of showing it without being called a monster. without someone seeing it...
Godē„ž // ONE PIECE by Pugly9
Godē„ž // ONE PIECEby ā˜…Chopper ā˜…
š˜Žš˜°š˜„: š˜¢ š˜“š˜¶š˜±š˜¦š˜³š˜©š˜¶š˜®š˜¢š˜Æ š˜£š˜¦š˜Ŗš˜Æš˜Ø š˜°š˜³ š˜“š˜±š˜Ŗš˜³š˜Ŗš˜µ š˜øš˜°š˜³š˜“š˜©š˜Ŗš˜±š˜¦š˜„ š˜¢š˜“ š˜©š˜¢š˜·š˜Ŗš˜Æš˜Ø š˜±š˜°š˜øš˜¦š˜³ š˜°š˜·š˜¦š˜³ š˜Æš˜¢š˜µš˜¶š˜³š˜¦ š˜°š˜³ š˜©š˜¶š˜®š˜¢š˜Æ š˜§š˜°š˜³š˜µš˜¶š˜Æš˜¦š˜“; š˜¢ ļæ½...
Offerlam by pyromaniac_mage
Offerlamby WitchCat
You, [Y/N] -, are found alone by Buggy when you are only five. Nothing is known about your existence but one thing is for certain: Buggy takes you in as his own and adop...
Pandora's Box (One Piece x reader) by LadyIreneBelserion
Pandora's Box (One Piece x reader)by Irene Belserion
What do you do when you have skill's that can only be explained by being gifted by the gods? do you use them for evil? Can you use them for evil? Should you join the Mar...
Dear My Friends, | ONE PIECE VARIOUS x Reader by sugar_sweet_lies
Dear My Friends, | ONE PIECE She told sweet lies
You are a baby, naive to the world, when you first find the feeling of home; you are a child, curious for adventure, when you first long for the feeling of friendship; a...
Warrior of the sea (ON HOLD) by emmaghuston12
Warrior of the sea (ON HOLD)by Peaches
Kiara is a girl who is a healer her mother taught her but all she ever wanted is to become a warrior When a certain straw hat boy comes to the town she is staying in eve...
š™‹š™š™•š™•š™‡š™€ š™‹š™„š™€š˜¾š™€š™Ž " zoro x reader " by dxestyi
š™‹š™š™•š™•š™‡š™€ š™‹š™„š™€š˜¾š™€š™Ž " zoro dxestyi
š‡šˆš†š‡š’š‚š‡šŽšŽš‹ š€š” - In Grand Line High School, a man named Luffy put together an adventure club and went on to recruit members, one of them being you - what you...
one piece x reader oneshots  by sanji_pookiez
one piece x reader oneshots by Daniel arroyo
please ask for NSFW am still kinda learning how to write it :) also request are open
Roll the Dice (One Piece Various x Reader)  by IntergalacticGod
Roll the Dice (One Piece Various IntergalacticGod
(Discontinued!) Life is a massive game. Roll the dice see where it takes you. Take a risk or stay safe. Follow the flow or chose your own direction. It's up to you to de...
š’—š—¶š’ƒš’†źÆ±××…Ö’ by luffyslvt
š’—š—¶š’ƒš’†źÆ±××…Ö’by ā­ļø.
ā˜… Ā· š—”š€šŒšˆ .
One Piece X Reader by kinscorpi
One Piece X Readerby scorpi
This is mainly for female readers, some may be non gender specific. Be aware I'm a lazy writer (writing style changes 24/7), lots of time skips. I also like post multipl...
įµƒ įµ–Ė”įµ‰įµƒįµˆ į¶ Ź³įµ’įµ įµ—Ź°įµ‰ įµˆįµ‰įµƒįµˆ | įµ’āæįµ‰ įµ–ā±įµ‰į¶œįµ‰ įµ›įµƒŹ³ā±įµ’įµ˜Ė¢ Ė£ Ź³įµ‰įµƒįµˆįµ‰Ź³ [DISCONTINUED] by emotion4lturmoil
įµƒ įµ–Ė”įµ‰įµƒįµˆ į¶ Ź³įµ’įµ įµ—Ź°įµ‰ įµˆįµ‰įµƒįµˆ | įµ’āæįµ‰ įµ–ā±įµ‰į¶œįµ‰ ā˜† c e l e s t eā™”
Ź°ā±, įµ—Ź°įµ‰ āæįµƒįµįµ‰ ā±Ė¢........ā± įµƒį¶œįµ—įµ˜įµƒĖ”Ė”Źø į¶œįµƒāæ'įµ— Ź³įµ‰įµįµ‰įµįµ‡įµ‰Ź³ Źøįµ’įµ˜Ź³ āæįµƒįµįµ‰ ā±Ė¢ Źø/āæ įµ’Ź° Źøįµ‰įµƒŹ°! Ė¢įµ’ Ź·Ź°įµ‰Ź³įµ‰ įµƒįµ ā± Ė¢įµ—Ź³įµƒāæįµįµ‰Ź³? Źøįµ’įµ˜'Ź³įµ‰ ā±āæ įµ’āæįµ‰ įµ–ā±įµ‰į¶œįµ‰ . . . . . . . . . . . . š™’š™ƒš˜¼š™?! ā±āæ įµ—Ź°ā±Ė¢ Ė¢įµ—įµ’Ź³Źø...
ā™ ļøThe Gamblerā™„ļø by Mangletube_3
ā™ ļøThe Gamblerā™„ļøby
The strawhats stumble upon a casino like bar place in a island and meet a strange man who loves rolling a dice..
Join The Crew [ One Piece Various x JJK Reader] by Coovaca122
Join The Crew [ One Piece Mika Senpai
[One Piece Various x Jujutsu Kisen Reader] Book 1 "That is one interesting power you have" (Y/n) spoke interrupting the amused male. "Woah! Who are you? I...
.~*Ignored. Again*~. (One Piece x Reader) by Bee_Cause
.~*Ignored. Again*~. (One Piece That One :)
When I say "One Piece x Reader" I mostly mean Luffy because I love that man. Anyways, I'm back to writing because I liked this idea. Being sent into an anime...
Hidden Secrets (Strawhats x reader) by Shine_like_moonlight
Hidden Secrets (Strawhats x reader)by Shine_like_moonlight
They had a secret, a dangerous one. Warning: (Will contain bxg, gxg, bxb)