Middle School: Wild Overboardby Bliss Smith
Set in 2003, the story follows a 15-year-old Joslin and her friends finding themselves stranded on a beach in Los Angeles, California, after being involved in an airplan...
Fun facts about Osmosis Jones (2011by Bliss Smith
Here Are some fun fact s about the 2011 Osmosis Jones
A Study in Rojaby Jelly
Most freshmen struggle in their first year of college: missing old school friends; that desperate scramble to make new ones; difficult classes; a crushing workload; livi...
Everything You Need to Know about...by Bliss Smith
This here consists of everything you need to know about the 2013 CW film Osmosis Jones: Out of the Body Experience, the final episode of Season 1 of the 2012 teen comedy...
Ozzy & Drix (Season 1)by Bliss Smith
Airing on The CW, the young adult animated dramedy series centers on a group of mismatched teenage cells from different school cliques; Osmosis Jones, Drix Koldreliff, M...
Cellular Life & Love Story(Osmosis...by Parisan1999
This is a story about two soulmates cells fallen in love with each other inside a girls body in the Osmosis Jones/Ozyy and Drix Universe.
Unbroken Light Within (Areyesia vs...by Baylie Nixon
Two young women, two young cells, two entirely different worlds. In this dystopian thriller, our heroines will discover shattering truths, the true meaning of survival...
Drizzy and Drip: "How to be girly"by DJ_Drizzy
When Amillia isn't invited to her freind's party unless she becomes more girly and less nerdy, she turns to Drizzy and Drip for help.