The story follows two gay couples, Piolo and Diether, who become neighbors in a quirky townhouse complex in Pasay. Despite their differences, the strength of their love...
What Happens in Dortmund... | foot...by sami
When you bring together all the things you love in life: write, football & BVB.
Enjoy 😘
Versão [PT]: http://my.w.tt/UiNb/PkB1ecNWHC
Är märkeskläder vinnande marknadsf...by
o Märkeskläder kan bäras överallt. De måste vara korrekt designade och av överlägsen kvalitet, människor kan bära dem var som helst. Det betyder att du kommer att gå ner...
Melida May and Phillip Coulson by melissamay1930
Melinda May and Phillip coulson are in love
the figures etc. don't belong to me
There is This Story I Would Like t...by writemore_
Creating the world of Dan & Phil, from the very beginning!
hamilton memesby 「𝒌𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒖-𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏」
this book contains memes about the beautiful musical called "hamilton"
Most of these aren't really memes, more like tumblr screenshots but yeah let's just ca...