Kind Words!by Robert Reddic III
Your words to someone struggling.... Could really help them in their time of keep!

To Be Loved!by Robert Reddic III
Not only in a romantic way....but by our family....our friends....is an important part of our joy and happiness!

Loyal!by Robert Reddic III
Loyalty....like love....is unconditional....If you're loyal....be there for your people!

Do You See Me!by Robert Reddic III
Do you see my pain? My struggle? The hurt inside that I'm too afraid to show? Could you recognize my sorrow?

Women's History Month!by Robert Reddic III
Today marks the beginning of....women's history month....We need to celebrate women as loudly as we can!

I'm Really Lost!by Robert Reddic III
No matter what I do, I feel like I made the wrong decision!

Chosen!by Robert Reddic III
Live in knowing that you are enough....Because you were brought here for a reason....The reason you are chosen....is for you to discover!