#1Grand Emotions Articulatedby throwaway_poetry233Poems about more complex emotionsartstufffunny+22 more #2My Poetryby throwaway_poetry5436poems i wrote when I felt like itCompletedcoverpoemroadtrip+22 more #3MUSICby throwaway_poetry1401poetry when I feel like itexperiencecoverartnonfiction+18 more #4ROAD TRIPby throwaway_poetry1011poetry when I feel like itCompleteddailypoetrydrivingpoetrywhenifeellikeit+22 more #5ZA PARADEby throwaway_poetry1121poetry when I'm highdailypoetryfunnypoetry+22 more #6FRIENDSby throwaway_poetry511poetry when I feel like itcovercoolfunny+21 more #7Romantic Collectionby throwaway_poetry71510poems about love and affectionCompletedstuffaboutmecovermainstream+22 more #8EDORASby throwaway_poetry711poetry when I feel like itstuffartcover+21 more #9TWO - FACEDby throwaway_poetry1011Poetry when I feel like itcoolartcoolstuffpoetrywhenifeellikeit+22 more #10CHASINGby throwaway_poetry401poetry when I feel like itCompletedpoemgirlslove+19 more #11CALL OF THE VOIDby throwaway_poetry701poetry when I feel like itCompletedexperiencecoolartcoverart+21 more #12Some Words to Chew Onby throwaway_poetry933Poetry cuz I feel like itvibewhateverlol+17 more #13What I've been up to (poetry)by throwaway_poetry304Poetry when I feel like itnonfictionexoticthoughtful+13 more #14Simple Poetryby throwaway_poetry3427Poetry when I feel like itCompletedstuffartmainstream+22 more #15SELF DISCOVERYby throwaway_poetry401Poetry when I feel itcomplexmainstreamstuffaboutme+22 more