Poetrywhenifeellikeit Stories

15 Stories

CHASING by throwaway_poetry
CHASINGby throwaway_poetry
poetry when I feel like it
ROAD TRIP by throwaway_poetry
ROAD TRIPby throwaway_poetry
poetry when I feel like it
CALL OF THE VOID by throwaway_poetry
CALL OF THE VOIDby throwaway_poetry
poetry when I feel like it
Grand Emotions Articulated by throwaway_poetry
Grand Emotions Articulatedby throwaway_poetry
Poems about more complex emotions
SELF DISCOVERY by throwaway_poetry
SELF DISCOVERYby throwaway_poetry
Poetry when I feel it
Simple Poetry by throwaway_poetry
Simple Poetryby throwaway_poetry
Poetry when I feel like it
My Poetry by throwaway_poetry
My Poetryby throwaway_poetry
poems i wrote when I felt like it
Romantic Collection by throwaway_poetry
Romantic Collectionby throwaway_poetry
poems about love and affection
MUSIC by throwaway_poetry
MUSICby throwaway_poetry
poetry when I feel like it
TWO - FACED by throwaway_poetry
TWO - FACEDby throwaway_poetry
Poetry when I feel like it