When The Right Door Opensby Gary Merel
The unexplainable timing of the experiences that help to understand and appreciate the decisions I have made in my life.
It's All Gobbledygook Anywayby Gary Merel
Understanding the impact our lives and the world at large have on our
decision-making process. Living a life based on the coherence between a person's heart and brain.
There's Something On The Bottom Of...by Gary Merel
A long drive to Tucson while falling into a hole of funk.
Bigger Than a Bread Box, Smaller T...by Gary Merel
My reaction to finding out about my diagnosis of colon cancer.
I Received Some Very Unsettling Ne...by Gary Merel
I was informed by the doctor that I had an adenocarcinoma in my large intestines. That is a type of cancer that forms in the glandular tissue, which lines certain intern...
I Found A Potato In My Bedby Gary Merel
My surgery was last week. Exactly four days ago. The procedure is called a colectomy. Considering the procedure's complexity and the length of the surgery, my recovery f...
Catching My Breathby Gary Merel
The challenges of recovering from colon cancer. Discovering what comes after treatment.
A Case of Mistaken Identityby Gary Merel
The impact of the judgments we hold. How people judge us and how we judge others.