Finding Light Within Darkness: The...by Cassandra Umpa
This islamic poetry can be classified as spiritual or religious poetry. The theme revolves around the journey of a lost soul who, amidst darkness and despair, finds guid...
Serpent of Edenby Tushar Sharma
A Poetic interpretation of the first ever sin recorded by human race, straight from the holy fragment of Genesis from The Bible.
Church of Bonesby rewilderjack
Spirituality and society, faith and feeling, history and future -- a collection of original poetry.
Oh Lord, Your Endless Praises!by Larayyb
Its a poem about the glories of God, written by me when i was 13☺️
Your Great Love -- Christian Devot...by Maddie
This is a collection of poems, devotionals, as well as other inspiring and encouraging writings! My calling towards ministry has prompted me to read the Bible, and to sh...
A Step Into My Light by Poet Q
This a book of poems that sum up my battle with depression, religion, and growing pains I've dealt with throughout my life. It talks about touchy topics such as suicide...