Prince of Tennis: Ryoma's Mysterio...by Shin-chan
Echizen Ryoma is a definitely a mysterious boy, but not many would have predicted this! Echizen Ryoma has a sister!
Younger twin sister to be prec...
Prince of Tennis X Reader (Fin)by Caliber
Okay, this is my first ever FanFic so bear with me.
Anyways,this will be a one shot stories and I want to add some sort of scenarios if I happened to be in the mood.
Prince of Drabbles - Prince of Ten...by Kurarin
Une série de drabbles aléatoires sur les fabuleux personnages de Prince of Tennis !
Chapitre 1 : Hiyoshi Wakashi & Atobe Keigo - Tempête
Chapitre 2 : Yukimura Seiichi...
Prince of Drabbles - A Prince of T...by Kurarin
Some drabbles about the fantastic cast of Prince of Tennis!
Chapter 1: Atobe Keigo & Hiyoshi Wakashi - Storm
Chapter 2: Yukimura Seiichi & Mukahi Gakuto - Hair coming up...
The Gate Keepers of All Things [Pr...by Jezebel_Pandora
What would happen if there was a group of middle schoolers that will be deciding the future of their tennis career? They were all trained by a professional tennis player...
Unexpectedly!! (Prince of Tennis x...by ShanaGia
This is the story about the girl (you). A simple or cheesy love story, a good or bad ending. A short chapters about the different characters of P.O.T and you.
PS: I'm ju...