"Love in Panels" is a heartwarming tale that unfolds within the vibrant tapestry of a bustling city. The narrative centers around Oliver and Maya, two passiona...
In this evolving narrative, Karl, a contemplative soul, becomes captivated by Lily, an intriguing figure he encounters at a café. Their initial meeting sparks an unexpec...
Bakugo has always possessed the ability to lucid dream every single night. For years, he and a mystery stranger have somehow been sharing dreams with one another, buildi...
You two didn't realize the other existed outside your dreams.
I suck at writing descriptions. Huge disclaimer that I don't own RWBY or any of its characters and the pict...
Step into a world where dreams are not just a nightly escape, but a shared canvas of fears, hopes, and hidden truths. In 'The Veil of Nightmares,' delve into the psyche...
In the enchanting small town of Mathlandia, Gwen, a diligent and curious student, finds herself captivated by the enigmatic transfer student, Sly. As their friendship bl...
Embark on a mesmerizing journey in 'The Enchanted Pages: Chronicles of a Mystical Bookstore,' where a mysterious overnight arrival transforms a quaint village into a rea...
Threads of the Heart: A Journey of Friendship, Love, and Discovery
In the enchanting neighborhood of Willowbrook, where cobblestone streets wind through quaint cottages...
I may vring this back once I have enough time and willpower to see it through, sorry to everyone who liked reading it.
What do you do if you see someone in a dream?
Who was this boy who kept appearing in Chloe's dreams?
Obviously he was just a figment of her imagination. Even if these dreams were extremely realistic. There is no way...
Hope and Josie all of a sudden have these weird connected dreams and dates?! What's going to happen when Landon finds out? Did Hope ever really love Landon?
Or is it Jos...
In the corridors of Crestwood High, lives converged as Ankit, a reserved writer, found himself captivated by Janvi's radiant spirit. Destiny united them for a class proj...