Yokai Chronicles: Black Japanese-A...by Brandon Mobley
Who says a black man can't be an anime hero? This story follows Inuzuka Jaden, a 15-year-old who had nonstop misfortune and suffered many heartbreaks, combined with his...
Japanese Christianby Keira Luna
Very niche story of Christians in Japan. Less than 1% of people in Japan follow Christianity. Follow the story of a girl named Hiraki convert from Shintoism/Buddhism to...
Beyond The Boundary (境界の旅行)by Takumi Shigekazu
To my fellow readers, be prepared as I will personally guide you in a realm that is unable to perceive by raw naked eyes of most people. In this book (Travel Beyond Boun...
The bunsby Broken tea cup
It's about a young man named Faruzan, getting to find the buns. It first starts of with the history of the buns.
The Forbidden Demigod: Resurrectio...by Cadence Parscal
14 year old Haruto Daiki has grown up hearing of the beautiful Amaterasu, the mighty Susano-o and of all the nightmare-ish demons that live in the shadows. But one day h...
Shintoism Facts by fnaf66rae
This book is facts about Shintoism,
The religion
Here are one of the fun facts about Shintoism and why is the worldwide of the Country.
Setouchi Spiritualby Maemi Saeki
This is my story about spiritualism with the background of the Setouchi Region in Japan.
Spelunking by Reily John
A travelogue I created a while ago describing the thought which went through my mind when I was about to enter a sacred cave in a Shinto shrine in Japan. Please comment...
Gruesome Fireby Kohaku
Rarely anyone gets a second chance when their death is purely their fault.
But here we are, watching upon our past lives and endless possibilities in a world so differe...
God's Answer (Kami no Kotae)by Aomori
Hikaru is a young boy eagerly waiting for school to end despite being a first year and is dissatisfied with the direction that life is taking him. Fresh off of asking ou...
Tenebris Creaturaeby noname
Sakura, a young Neko-Yokai possessed soul, is apart of an Elite organization. The seasoned assassin has had to face many challenges throughout her life, yet this one tak...
Codename: Goddessby Jakovus
A pitch for a story I've been thinking of for a while. Just like some thoughts on it. Just to clarify this is not the beginning of the story, this would take place towar...