Star Wars: A Unlikely Family by Chris1942
In the days following the rise of the Galactic Empire, a smuggler named Kael finds himself unknowingly becoming a father figure to Leena, a young Jedi Padawan who narrow...
Rwby: Republic Commando (Remake)by Griffin Gower
I am yet again rewriting another one of my stories and this time it's my crossover between the best star wars game of all time Star Wars Republic Commando and the Rooste...
Y/n Solo?by SkrunklySam
so this is going to be based off of a dream I had. I have another book called Star Wars dreams that tells what it is about. this book is an AU where Mace Windu didnt die...
just like the title. I haven't really found as many as I'd like to. SO I SHALL BRING FORTH THE CONTENT!!
The New Order 《》 Reylo by fanfictions
"And I will not be the last Jedi."
After Crait the rebellion is in shambles, Luke Skywalker is dead, and Kylo Ren is still alive.
Rey is left with the fate of...
The Paladin: An original Starwars...by kayalynneloria
We get introduced to two major characters, Tes and Eli.
star wars clone wars ocby caidens-Bain
"deathskull" an x1 elite commando droid captain in the clone wars that was the only droid who have gained human emotions and self awareness that most droids do...