Ace Combat: Stricken Soulby Musashi311
This story follows the perspective of a young Erusean fighter pilot from his flight training to when he joins the Erusean Air and Space Administration's Sol Squadron and...
ACES Onlineby Midland2541
In October 2022, the Japanese company Argus released what was expected to be one of the killer apps on the NerveGear - ACES Online. A follow up to the VR mode for Ace Co...
ACES Offlineby Midland2541
The world of Strangereal in the 1960s and 1970s was far from peaceful, and whilst the players of the 23rd continue to work their way through their campaign, the world ca...
Shattered skiesby Demon of Razgriz
After the disaster of the asteroids a war broke out between Erusea and Independent State Allied Forces. This story will be told in a boy's perspective
Independence - An Ace Combat Storyby Musashi311
In the year 1940, war engulfed the world as Belka began its conquest. Seizing the opportunity, Ustio rebels and seeks its independence.
ACES Alternativeby Midland2541
In the year 2032, Strangereal stands on the verge of revolution; countries are fading away, as corporate giants continue their rise, up-ending the entire fabric of natio...
Hellhounds: Strangereal Short Stor...by Nizam Zennex
A perspective of witnesses that fought against or alongside "him".
The Last One by CallMeWarfare
This is the final part of my story, Ace Combat: Shadow War.
If you haven't read Ace Combat: Shadow War yet I suggest you read it first and then the one shot after that c...
Ace Combat: Royal Azureby AutNSingh
When a vanishing enemy attacks their isolated little corner of Sotoa, ragtag Hangman squadron must take their rusting sky buckets into action to discover who and why.