Digimon Adventure: Destiny ( Tai...by Yumie Yashagoro
The story follows our hero Kelly Kato and seven other kids (Matt, Tai, Sora, Izzy, Mimi, Joe, and T.K) as they are transported to the Digi-World who must work together t...
Blossoming flowerby Kiko Ronin
8 kids went to a summer camp only to get sent to another world called the digital world. Now, they protect both the real world and the digital world.
Part 2 of The Crest...
Digimon: Just a Little Bit of Cour...by PhoenixBunny456
(Based off the original show, not the new show. :D)
Yuki Tanaka goes to camp with her childhood best friend, Tai Kamiya who's family had helped her single father raise h...
The True Power of Loyaltyby Lunagirl951
11 year old, Luna Kido, thought she was going to have the same old summer experience with her over-protected cousin, Joe, but that all changed when they were taken to th...
More Than Friends ||Digimon Advent...by Lee-san/Shiro-chan
Riley Kennedy remembers seeing the battle between the young DigiDestineds and Apocalymon, but what she didn't expect was to a part of it as well. After a fire that took...