Thelittlebookofrevelation Stories

43 Stories

The Antichrist is Russian: Not Assyrian, Muslim, or Jewish  by Eli-of-Kittim
The Antichrist is Russian: Not Eli-of-Kittim
Some Bible prophecy writers today are mistaken in claiming that the Antichrist will be Assyrian, Muslim, or Jewish. Most think that he will come from Europe. This articl...
#Interview_with_Eli_Kittim #Author_of_The_Little_Book_of_Revelation by Eli-of-Kittim
#Interview_with_Eli_Kittim Eli-of-Kittim
The Croak 500 interview with Author Eli Kittim can be viewed at the following link:
Was the Septuagint Destroyed When the Alexandrian Library Burnt Down in 48 BC? by Eli-of-Kittim
Was the Septuagint Destroyed Eli-of-Kittim
Many Jewish apologists dislike the disproportionate competition between the more recent masoretic text (of which the oldest known complete copy dates to the 11th century...
Who is the First Horseman of the Apocalypse? by Eli-of-Kittim
Who is the First Horseman of the Eli-of-Kittim
There are no counterfeit signs found anywhere in Scripture. That's why all the references to God, Christ, or to the saints are typically couched in white imagery. What i...
A Primer On Biblical Studies  by Eli-of-Kittim
A Primer On Biblical Studies by Eli-of-Kittim
This short informative piece of writing is designed to offer proper guidance and direction to new or prospective converts to Christianity, which will equip them to follo...
Are the Four Living Creatures of Revelation Alien, Human, or Angelic? by Eli-of-Kittim
Are the Four Living Creatures of Eli-of-Kittim
There's no Biblical evidence that God created any other alien life-forms. God's plan of redemption is exclusively for human beings. The entire universe will be destroyed...
Jesus is a Gentile: The Evidence from the Gospels  by Eli-of-Kittim
Jesus is a Gentile: The Evidence Eli-of-Kittim
There is strong evidence in the Gospels, and elsewhere, that Jesus is not a Jew but a Gentile.
The White Horse of Revelation: Christ or Antichrist? by Eli-of-Kittim
The White Horse of Revelation: Eli-of-Kittim
Most bible scholars mistakenly assume that the first horseman of Revelation 6:2 is the Antichrist. However, a careful translation and exegesis of the Greek text will cle...
Is the Rapture Pre-Trib or Post-Trib? by Eli-of-Kittim
Is the Rapture Pre-Trib or Eli-of-Kittim
A work on Bible exegesis that clearly demonstrates the soundness of the post-tribulational position.
Who Are the 144,000 and What is their Purpose? by Eli-of-Kittim
Who Are the 144,000 and What is Eli-of-Kittim
The symbolic 144,000 saved believers represent both the living & the resurrected "elect" who will be raptured *after* the Great Tribulation! In other words, th...
Are the Bible's Truth Claims Based on the Historicity of its Narratives? by Eli-of-Kittim
Are the Bible's Truth Claims Eli-of-Kittim
Many people who follow Christ have essentially staked their whole lives on the historicity of the Bible. The way they see it, if the narratives, characters, places, or e...
Kittim's Eschatology: The Kittim Method  by Eli-of-Kittim
Kittim's Eschatology: The Kittim Eli-of-Kittim
Kittim's eschatology is a view in biblical studies that interprets the story of Jesus in exclusively eschatological terms. This unique approach was developed by Eli of K...
8 Disputations on Modern Christianity's View of the Bible by Eli-of-Kittim
8 Disputations on Modern Eli-of-Kittim
The NT is an apocalypse, not a history. NT evidence suggests that the knowledge of Christ's coming was communicated beforehand to preselected witnesses through the agenc...
The Error of Subordinationism by Eli-of-Kittim
The Error of Subordinationismby Eli-of-Kittim
A critique of the Trinitarian doctrine which asserts an ontological subordination of both the Son and the Spirit to the Father.
The Birth, Death, and Resurrection of Christ According to the Greek NT Epistles by Eli-of-Kittim
The Birth, Death, and Eli-of-Kittim
This is the PDF of my article----published in the Journal of Higher Criticism, vol. 13, no. 3 (2018)----entitled, "The Birth, Death, and Resurrection of Christ Acco...
Calvin's Refutations from His Own Published Work: A Critical Review  by Eli-of-Kittim
Calvin's Refutations from His Eli-of-Kittim
I will demonstrate from Calvin's own writings that he viewed God as the author of sin.
Has the Bible Become an Obstacle to Our Salvation?  by Eli-of-Kittim
Has the Bible Become an Obstacle Eli-of-Kittim
Unfortunately, as important as the Bible is, it has become an obstacle to our salvation. It has supplanted regeneration and the spiritual experience of the supernatural...