Shadow of the Past: The Reawakenin...by Lele
Title: Shadows of the Past: The Reawakening of Lordbug
In a world where past lives intertwine with present destinies, the children of Gotham and Paris uncover h...
THE MEMORY CODEby infjwarrior
In a world where memories are the ultimate currency, Aurelius Vesper and Seraphina Alveris are drawn together by a mysterious secret-the Memory Code, an ancient code tha...
"The Game of Shadows"by Neha Chaurawal
shadoIn the small, sleepy town of Sargam, Ayaush Jain, an ordinary school teacher, lives a quiet life. But everything changes the night he notices an unusual flicker of...
Shadows of Deceptionby Aakar Srivastava
Detective Inspector Michael Sullivan"Shadows of Deception" is a gripping murder mystery set in Ravenwood Manor, where Detective Inspector Michael Sullivan unra...
Hearts of ice, Flames of passionby krystall-v
"Heart of Ice, Flames of Passion" is a captivating college romance that intertwines icy rivalry and fiery passion. Follow Sophia, an ambitious journalism major...
The Love I Long For [MysteryQueen]by MysteryQueen
The Love I Long For is a gripping psychological thriller that explores the depths of love, the fragility of trust, and the chilling consequences of mistaken identities...