The Digimon King and Queen (Ken Ic...by 小芳
Living two different lives is hard for these 13 year old children. Both living the life of a superstar, famous, amazing grades, idols. The life in the real wold, is noth...
Wizardmon x Myotismon in love with...by Chaos
So this is set in adventure tri, wizardmon some how because of any none digi-logic none to man- or..digimon I guess...comes back to life. But one day he wakes up with th...
Goddess Of Darkness: Lustby × D.G. Heartilly ╝
˗ˋˏ Los personajes de Digimon no me pertenecen, son propiedad de Akiyoshi Hongo, Bandai, Toei, Wiz, etc. ˎˊ˗
The Digital Chaptersby LbelyPokemon
Follow the adventures of a young girl and her artificial Digimon as they find the secrets of both the Digital world and the D-XXs
[Might change the title picture someday...
The Wizard and Art MacTavishby Mr_RMA
A story of two individuals from different worlds, parallel to one another. One, a human facing the unfortunate realities and responsibilities of adulthood; The other, a...