A girl named Raina lives with her beloved mother in an old apartment building in San Francisco. She is 17 years old, and goes to a local high school. She has a few good friends, and hardly any enemy's as she is a very nice girl. One night, her mother tells her something she was dreading. Her mother says this, "Raina, listen. I know you don't want to hear this, but you have to know. One day, when I am gone, hopefully not soon, you will need to live somewhere until you are old enough to live alone. I have decided where you will go. You will go to live with your aunt." But what Raina doesn't know, is that her mother's end might come much sooner, and maybe not even at life's causes... maybe even at the causes of someone else. Though Raina has to solve the mystery of her mother's death, she also has to deal with romances that will either solve her pain... or cause it.