This story follows a girl named Mila. She met Christian Bale when he moved to the United States in 1991 when she was 16 years old and he was 17 years old. The two of them became very close and were the best of friends. The two of them had a thing for one another as teenagers.But Christian's fame continued to grow and because of this they drifted apart and stopped talking. Now it is the year of 2000 and Mila is 24 years old. She decided to go on a girls trip with her two best friends Alex and Maddie to Toronto Canada. And you'll never guess who she runs into! There are not many stories about Christian Bale, so I thought I would write one. Please like and comment and give me feedback on the story and how I can improve. I also feel like this story line is good for anyone looking for a romantic love story not just Christian Bale fans. I hope you enjoy much love xoxo
10 parts