Summary: This is an alternate universe where the Revenge of the Sith didn't quite happen the way we saw it happen. If you played the video game then you know the alternate ending, if you didn't or if you forgot, I'll tell you how it happened. (You may also YouTube search it,On Mustafar just as Obi-Wan had the high ground, or thought he did, Vader/Anakin jumped high enough and jumped over Kenobi's saber and stabbed him in the back, killing him. Anakin/Vader walked back towards Padme's ship and that was where he met with the Emperor and the Storm Troopers, before reaching Padme. Once there, Darth Sidious, the Emperor, gave Vader the new lightsaber, a Sith lightsaber, its red instead of the blue he had before. Vader ignited the saber and took the Emperor by surprise, killing him on the spot. This chapter is the conclusion of Episode III, and the beginning of the series, Skywalkers: Rule The Galaxy!