# 1 in Marvelkids #103 out of 17.8k in Daughter # 52 in Steverogersdaughter #47 out of 656 in captainamericawintersolider #67 out of 24.1k in Captainamerica #89 out of 23.7k in Steverogers #8 in Nightingale Nightingale. For the longest time that's all she knew her name as. Allison Reese an Ex-Hydra assassian now on the road hopefully to a happy ending. But no shock you can't live a normal life when your dad's Captain America and half of your life is a lie. But one death wish and one final phone call can change everything. "I'm with you til the end of the line doll." *Book 1 in the 'Nightingale' series* Captain America - Winter Solider Avengers - Age Of Ultron Captain America - Civil War Avengers - Infinity War *IN THE PROCESS OF BEING REWRITTEN (Very, very slowly)*