A story that follows Eren Kruger, who falls in love with a gentle-hearted woman who later reveals herself as the last surviving Ackerman in Marley. His main goals are not only to fight for the freedom stolen by their ruthless enemies, but also to protect the woman who has captured his heart. ☆☆☆ 》Most Impressive Rankings #1 In Eldia #1 In theowl #2 In Marley #4 beastitan Notes 1. The story will be different from the original events of season 1-4 and Manga. Also there are spoilers... read it on your own risk. 2. This is my first time writing and English isn't my first language. 3. Events will be build up gradually, so please be patiant and enjoy the reading. Disclaimer 1. All Attack on Titans characters as well Attack on Titans itself belong to Haijime Isayama. I only own the design of OC characters and part of the plot related to them. 2. This story contains spoilers from Attack on Titans original manga and series. Also, Story is considered mature (+18) 3. All music, pictures and quotes in this story belong to their rightful owners..