On Christmas Eve, 1972, 32 year old Malcolm Spires commits murder in New York, dressed as Santa Claus...After a girl, Cassandra James, 12, survives the attack which leaves her parents dead, the NYPD attempt to catch the 'Christmas slasher'...But, when they fail to stop the killer, his reign of terror continues... ...And when Cassandra has a Christmas party on Christmas Day, the killer arrives to spoil the holiday for her. Can she stop the killer before it's too late? The new holiday slasher horror novel by Robert Helliger, author of "Halloween Town", "SaTaN'S BeLLs", "Vampires of Mist Gate", and "Friday the 13th". Rated PG-13 for strong, bloody violence, sex scenes, strong coarse language, strong adult themes, and drug use. Author's note: NOT SUITABLE TO CHILDREN UNDER 13. FOR READERS 13 YEARS AND OVER. MAY CONTAIN DISTURBING IMAGES.
12 parts