In a world where peace is fragile and unity is paramount, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry introduces a new tradition to foster camaraderie and showcase the strength of its students. Every five years, a selection of students from each house is chosen to participate in the Wizarding Games, a series of magical trials that test their skills, bravery, and ingenuity. Harry Potter, a young wizard with a storied past, finds himself drawn into these perilous games alongside his closest friends and fiercest rivals. As they navigate enchanted forests, solve intricate puzzles, and face mythical creatures, alliances are formed and broken, secrets are unveiled, and the true power of friendship and loyalty is put to the ultimate test. With the eyes of the wizarding world upon them, Harry and his competitors must overcome their deepest fears and darkest challenges to emerge victorious. But as the trials grow more dangerous and the stakes higher, Harry begins to suspect that the Wizarding Games may be hiding a sinister purpose-one that could threaten the very fabric of the magical community.
10 parts