This story revolves around Sian and Matt. Sian is a confident and feisty woman in her early 30s, who encounters Victor, a vampire of ancient lineage, in her garden one night. Initially startled by his presence, Sian finds herself inexplicably drawn to him, despite her initial fear. Victor seduces her, and the encounter quickly turns dangerous as he bites her, feeding on her blood and leaving her in a state of confusion and lingering desire. The following day, Sian struggles with fragmented memories and physical discomfort, unable to fully comprehend what happened. Matt is a young man whose life takes a dramatic and terrifying turn after an encounter with Victor. As a young man, Matt's life was already filled with the typical struggles of youth-heartbreak, uncertainty, and the search for identity. However, everything changes one fateful night when Victor seizes him from the shadows.
27 parts