In a world where reality and imagination blur, Claire navigates the chaotic landscape of her mind, haunted by the echoes of a love that transcends the ordinary. Battling the demons of her past and the shadows of her mental illness, she finds herself torn between the comforting presence of Ethan, her long-lost imaginary anchor, and the desire for a true connection in the real world. As Claire learns to confront her fears and embrace her vulnerabilities, she must decide whether to cling to the remnants of her fractured reflections or step into the light of a future filled with hope and love.
Join Claire on this poignant journey of self-discovery, where every choice can lead to healing or heartbreak, and the line between fantasy and reality is as delicate as her own fragile heart. Will she find the strength to redefine her reality, or will she remain trapped in the echoes of a love that once was?
These are GXG oneshots I've decided to write
This book is kinky so if you're not comfortable with that.. im sorry this book isn't for you
[Intersex: A girl having a dick]