In a crime-ravaged world transformed by the rise of temporary superpowers, a new drug surges through the streets, granting ordinary people extraordinary abilities for a brief but dangerous high. With governments reluctant to fight fire with fire, the underworld rises, uniting once-divided gangs into a shadowy organization dedicated to order through violence. Their weapon? A brutalized generation of child assassins, raised in a lab and trained to kill with ruthless precision. But not everyone fits their mold. Known as the weakest among her peers for lacking the lethal instinct that makes a true assassin, one girl dreams of a life beyond bloodshed. She escapes, determined to forge a future free from the dark legacy she's been molded to serve. Now hunted by her past, she becomes the ultimate target of the organization that created her. They dispatch Pierce-their deadliest enforcer, as well as other relentless killers-to track her down and bring her back, dead or alive. As she races for freedom, she must confront both the dangers around her and the darkness she's tried to leave behind, facing impossible choices about who she must become to survive.