My second Mary-Sue series revolving around specific complaints most people would declare as Mary-Sueish or considered as bad writing, which I don't agree with. This series includes: Writing solely in second person Using cliches or writing self-inserts Plot revolving around getting sucked into an alternative universe OCs paired up Canon characters OCs being related to Canon characters Powers of controlling all of the elements, a sudden surge of powers, and having or gaining wings Having a character come back to life, having musical talents, numerous hobbies, and knowing various languages Stories containing elderly characters that appear youthful Stories containing only "hot" characters Characters with multi-colored hair Characters with a lack of scars on a fighter The "sudden" surge of Japanese characters in stories Princesses vs Rebellious tomboy girls and girlish boys and macho girls Characters that cut, are into drugs or alcohol Characters with mental and emotional disorders, diseases, disabilities Characters whose bodies or souls are inhabited by other beings such as angels or demons Characters who use sex as an outlet The symptoms of lust Rule-breaking genres
29 parts